Adding TeacherMatic as an LTI tool to your LMS

This is a guide on how to integrate TeacherMatic with any learning platform that supports LTI, such as Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard and Brightspace.

To get started, you will need to be the Administrator for your organisation in order to access the LTI configuration in TeacherMatic. After logging in to TeacherMatic, navigate to the “My Account” section, where you will be redirected to your Account details. Within this page, locate the “Organization LTI” tab. Click on “Organization LTI” to access all the necessary settings for your account.

Login > My Account > Organization LTI

Once you are on the Organization LTI tab, you will find the following information:

Organisation LTI TeacherMatic

Adding LTI to your learning platform

To add an LTI tool to your learning platforms, you will need these information:

Tool URL:
Public keyset/JWKS:
Authentication login URL:
Redirect URL:
Custom parameters (organisation ID): organization_id=xxxxxx (when you log in to your TeacherMatic account as an Administrator, you will discover the specific custom parameters for your organisation.)

Afterward, you can access/login to your learning platform and enter all the aforementioned details. You have the option to easily transfer the information (Tool URL, Public Keyset/JWKS, Authentication Login URL, Redirect URL, and Custom Parameters) to the configuration page of your learning platform’s LTI settings by using copy and paste. Please bear in mind that for certain learning platforms, you might be required to log in or have the Administrator role in order to complete this task.

Additional information:
Here are some general guidelines that you may find helpful to refer to:

Canvas: Go to Settings > Apps > View App Configurations. Click on the name of the LTI tool you want to add. You should see a field called Consumer Key, which is your organisation ID. For more details on how to use LTI, check out this pdf file: Setting up TeacherMatic LTI in Canvas

Blackboard: Go to Course Management > Customisation > Tool Availability. Click on the name of the LTI tool you want to add. You should see a field called Tool Provider Key, which is your organisation ID. You can also visit this link to get more information on adding LTI to Blackboard:

Moodle: Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool. Click on the name of the LTI tool you want to add. You should see a field called Tool URL, which contains your organisation ID as part of the URL. You can check in this pdf file: Adding TeacherMatic tool to Moodle using LTI (LTI 1.3).docx

Brightspace: You can Go to Login>Course>Content>Module>Existing Activities>Learning Tools>LTI Tool>Settings. You can also check more for detailed here:

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, email us at